

Nuclear now, SummerStateSCivil LIVE intent Roosevelt UN. 1

Welcome democracyDdayCosmos mornNeve, planetHomelifer. 2

Win-Win GAME, consciousGifts POWER, live ameriPeople SURVIV-ALL. 3

AfricanWeekender, Priest’s hebrew national under God pray-praise. 4

ameriPeople, no dynasty Priest family, 10Natives care-share. [Be yourself, 1Human.] 5

ameriPeople, no dynasty KingKartels (BankPressTech), reasonRe-PUBLICS. 6

ameriPeople can win-win; stop Bl/Wh fight chess, “I win.You lose.” 7

2Revolutions … no KingGeo, now HighPriest monopoly power. [Friday-Sat.-Sunday,U.K.-US-E.U.] 8

SummerStateSCivil in friendly fusion UPgrade Roosevelt(UN)intent. [1-2 …3never. ?CrusadoNATO?] 10

great’nGreatCosmos makes me feel at home, hapi homelife adventure… 11

God’f hebrew, God’f nature, with Declaration of Independence choose. 12

Welcome democracyDdayCosmos,  cousins’nCosmos; thinkdogood. 13


… ….. …..

May thoughts Eurasian be(‘nBe) reasonRe-Pub-ICAN style AMERIcan.

SummerStateS independent, UN is THE meetNgreet, careNshare, and above all MAKEPEACE place for sovereign States in the Roosevelt intention, Mr.and Mrs.

35th USA 1stCitizen, Kennedy is a SummerState statesman. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is in the angloAmerica tradition of Washington’s FarewellAddress as well as the dutchAmerica determination of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt-UN intention … 1,2,  3never!!! After Month10,1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the2Kennedy Brothers becomes determined to meetNgreetNmakePeace with Russia. At the American University, 06.10.1963 Kennedy gives the commencement address. He says as 1stCitizen thatthe USA seeks a goal of “COMPLETE  DISARMAMENT” of nuclear weapons and vows USA “WILL NEVER START A WAR”. Kennedy’s words reach out to the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, and is now dearly remembered as a peacemaker in the angloAmerica tradition of NatureLawConscious enreason civil rePublican governance rooted in Washington and FDR. The following words help grow the goodall AMERIcan and everybody else in harmony of UN intention.

 “For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe in same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

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